Authorization API documentation

Requesting the user information as a Resource Server

A reource server can request user information of the resource owner. In order to retrieve the user information the resource server must send an authenticated request to the Authorization server passing the access token and the resource server credentials in the request header.

Forming the request

The URL used to request the user information of the Resource Owner of an OAuth 2.0 Access Token >

Endpoint Description Method This endpoint is the target of the request for the user information of the Resource Owner of an OAuth 2.0 Access Token. HTTP-GET

JSON Web Token

In order to pass the accesstoken, you need to provide a JSON Web Token in the header.
The JSON Web Token has following requirements:

  • An asymetric JSON Web Key, the public key has been provided to Digitaal Vlaanderen through preferably a certificate. We provide tooling to generate this JSON WebKey here.
  • A kid key identifier defined in the header of the JSON web token, this should be the certificate SHA1 thumbprint if the JSON Web Key itself is an X509 certificate
  • An iss claim containing the Resource Server Name (case sensitive) in the payload of the JSON web token. This name has been provided by Digitaal Vlaanderen.
  • A sub claim containing the access token of which you want user information in the payload of the JSON web token
  • A jti claim in the form of a GUID that is generated randomly and is different for each token request in the payload of the JSON web token
  • An exp claim indicating the expiration time of the token in the payload of the JSON web token, it should not exceed ten minutes from iat
  • An iat claim indicating at which time the JWT was issued in the payload of the JSON web token
  • An aud claim containing the url endpoint you are calling without trailing slash and in small cases in the payload of the JSON web token, here this must be

JWT Valid example


  "alg": "RS256",
  "kid": "98E449C2AC53DB1FEC4425B9E4A11628EB68AE5D",
  "typ": "JWT"


  "sub": "5Op37vHN_T9zYV6vkA",
  "iss": "My Resource Server Name",
  "iat": "1552909601",
  "exp": "1552909700",
  "jti": "63233cd9-21b8-4fa1-8858-66b715f7a866",
  "aud": ""

Putting the JSON Web Token in the header of the body

The JSON Web Token needs to be in the Authorization Header of the request with the Bearer Scheme


    GET /ws/oauth/v2/authorization/identity HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ijk4RTQ0OUMyQUM1M0RCMUZFQzQ0MjVCOUU0QTExNjI4RUI2OEFFNUQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QifQ.eyJzdWIiOiI1T3AzN3ZITl9UOXpZVjZ2a0EiLCJpc3MiOiJNeSBSZXNvdXJjZSBTZXJ2ZXIgTmFtZSIsImlhdCI6IjE1NTI5MDk2MDEiLCJleHAiOiIxNTUyOTA5NzAwIiwianRpIjoiNjMyMzNjZDktMjFiOC00ZmExLTg4NTgtNjZiNzE1ZjdhODY2IiwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9vYXV0aC52bGFhbmRlcmVuLmJlL2F1dGhvcml6YXRpb24vb2F1dGgvdjIvYXV0aG9yaXphdGlvbi9pZGVudGl0eSJ9.FRnz_sSupNEjcGfeJOOM6sJs1LvfuzvPbEANOd-hjrcCkOlxdBbHCKWNTv1zuGs-yCjZx1iTAig-3PPVND4g_fdzuSPjQmgwyZK3dGl1u5EBNTancXD1oarzt3pA364p0OwbSK_y0dpXfI4R0GuvGQmiLuo4JKAblz1xBD2fsQnWBhwS28shxCSppxKX8ec-oR7NMept5PZV2VTHB5aVKMDRPiEcjspfdyP3KXV92eJ2og4dDsBT0BDNB2XdYhMue0gXEXA94FoB513zKPH032iGeroD8xl3GBLlR_FohmUr6ft0QLdzjegv55VlWM1ETwz3nEIFlMFk6mKMQpufeg

Handling the response

The response is a JSON Web Token containing the available user information. It consists of claims about the user


         "":"Administrator Of An Awesome App",

Handling an error

When there is an error a JSON result is returned with the error information.

