Authorization API documentation

Generating a JSON Web Key locally

In order to help our customers, we provide a .NET Core console tool that generates a valid JSON Web Key with a private and public part on a local machine. You can generate a JSON Web Key from an existing certificate, or you can self generate this JSON Web Key with the tool.


Please install the .NET Core 2.2 Runtime, you can download the runtime here.

Next you need to download the program in zip format and put this in a folder of choice. The program can be downloaded here.

Self generated key

In a console in the folder run following command

dotnet GenerateJsonWebKey.dll

This will generate a public and private key in that folder. The public key can be uploaded to your client, or resourceserver. The private key you need to use for generating the JWT for the request

Generated key from a .p12 or .pfx file from a certificate

If you have a certificate with private key, you can generate a JSON WebKey from an existing certificate, we only accept .p12 or .pfx formats, those files can be made by using OpenSSL.

Put your .p12 or .pfx file in the folder and run following command

dotnet GenerateJsonWebKey.dll -c MyPfxFile.pfx

This will generate a public and private key in that folder. The public key can be uploaded to your client, or resourceserver. The private key you need to use for generating the JWT for the request


You first need to install the dot-net-runtime on linux, you can find instructions here

Next you need to download the program in zip format and put this in a folder of choice. The program can be downloaded here.

Self generated key

In a console in the folder run this command

~$ dotnet GenerateJsonWebKey.dll

This will generate a public and private key in that folder. The public key can be uploaded to your client, or resourceserver. The private key you need to use for generating the JWT for the request

Generated key from a .p12 or .pfx file from a certificate

If you have a certificate with private key, you can generate a JSON WebKey from an existing certificate, we only accept .p12 or .pfx formats, those files can be made by using OpenSSL.

Put your .p12 or .pfx file in the folder and run following command

~$ dotnet GenerateJsonWebKey.dll -c MyPfxFile.pfx

This will generate a public and private key in that folder. The public key can be uploaded to your client, or resourceserver. The private key you need to use for generating the JWT for the request